many companies

When recognition rhymes with performance.?


We are all looking for recognition. And that’s okay! It plays a fundamental role in our balance. At work, recognition is a key factor in worker motivation, commitment and performance. What if taking care of your employees was also good for your business? Two experts share their opinions

A legitimate desire for social esteem

Even before applying to the world of work, recognition is first and foremost a fundamental human need, which appears from childhood and which plays a central role in the construction of our identity. We want to be accepted by others, recognized as one of their peers. The phenomenon is repeated in the professional world. “Recognition has become an almost unanimous request among employees and an essential component of working life,” begins Stéphanie van de Perre, founder of Growing Attitude. “Professional recognition gives us a sense of belonging to a group, allows us to value our uniqueness and helps us give meaning to our activities,” she adds.

As a manager or head of department, it is easy to imagine that an employee is there to work and earn a living. It is therefore normal and fair not to thank him for the work he does since he is paid for it. who is he, for what he does, for his results? Nicolas Delebois, partner at Lead, develops: “There was a time when employees were considered as human resources, among other resources. The employee was then paid to perform contractually defined tasks, no more, no less. We were then unaware of the richness of the excess of function and the creative potential of employees, while neglecting the risks associated with disengagement: less motivated staff,

Recognition yields tangible results

Today, there are many companies that have to deal with the disengagement of their employees. And this reality has a heavy impact on their economic development.A committed and happy employee is much more productive, creative and loyal”, assures the founder of Growing Attitude. Engaged employees are dedicated to their work and motivated to accomplish more. They manage to concentrate quickly and stay focused longer. Employee engagement translates into tangible and measurable results, well beyond a simple vague feeling of job satisfaction. And this commitment requires recognition!

When your manager praises a member of his team for his intervention in the meeting or a colleague tells him that he appreciates working with him, they give him signs of recognition. These signs feed the worker, make him want to move forward and get involved. “Human performance is influenced by obtaining rewards. The worker who receives recognition perceives a balance between the efforts he provides at work and the benefits he derives from it. Recognition is therefore a source of mobilization and organizational commitment”, assures Stéphanie van de Perre.

The look of the others

For Nicolas Delebois, recognition at work comes in four main dimensions: recognizing the person, their skills, their efforts and their results. “Historically, companies essentially value the result. However, a worker may have made a great deal of effort without achieving the expected result. It is easier to value the result because it can be objectified. Have we achieved it or not? Valuing a person or efforts is less factual and therefore more complicated, especially with telework. And Stéphanie Van de Perre adds: “These days, a large number of workers manufacture immaterial things. Few people still have the satisfaction of completing a task from start to finish and seeing the end result of their efforts,” says Stephanie van de Perre. We have very few objective means to estimate ourselves. We then depend much more on the eyes of others.

Recognition, too often forgotten

Psychosocial risks, absenteeism, lower performance, high turnover… Lack of recognition has a direct impact on your workers and therefore on your business. In a world in crisis, where everything is going digital and where human contact is being lost, showing gratitude to your teams is more essential than ever.

“When we don’t feel seen or valued, it’s easy to feel detached, grow resentful, call in sick, or look for a new job. To strengthen the employer/employee bond, it is essential to communicate the positive impact we have on each other – directly, clearly and sincerely,” says Stéphanie van de Perre. Setting up a recognition program can be a very useful lever for action in the fight against these phenomena. An effective program must allow workers to feel autonomous, competent and socially integrated within the organization. Nicolas Delebois is delighted to see that there is currently an awareness of the recognition needs of workers. ” Nevertheless, implementation is sometimes difficult for several reasons. There is the culture of the organization, but also that of management. The manager’s values ​​and personality have a direct impact on the recognition he will give to his teams,” he concludes.

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